4:22 PM, 13 Feb 2020

Once an apprentice or trainee has successfully completed their Australian Apprenticeship, they will awarded a nationally endorsed qualification that is recognised as being relevant to the industry in which in was undertaken.

An advantage of the apprenticeship and traineeship program is the combination of well-structured training delivered by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) and the workplace training provided by the employer themselves. This hands-on training, reinforced through daily application, allows for staff to develop relevant skills and experience.

Continuous supervision, quality controls and attention to apprentice advancement through their training are vital in accomplishing successful Australian Apprenticeship results.

Who delivers the training?


There are public and private Registered Training Organisations (RTO), all of who must complete endorsement processes and regular audits to maintain relevance and quality, that deliver formal training. One of these organisations will deliver the training component of your apprentice or trainee's Australian Apprenticeship qualification.

Public RTOs include TAFE colleges or other state-funded organisations such as schools, universities and community education centres. Private RTOs can be profit or not-for-profit organisations, and  certain Group Training Organisations (GTOs) also provide RTO services. Large companies can also set up their own RTO, and usually focused on training apprentices within the scope of their organisation and industry. Whatever the kind of RTO, they are subjected to a similar quality standard and review process.

Australian States and Territories determine which RTOs offering Australian Apprenticeships get public funding support, and each State and Territory Government can authorise particular RTOs to train apprentices or trainees in specific qualifications. If an RTO is licensed to deliver a qualification, its training and assessment will be recognised by other RTOs in Australia as these qualifications are valid throughout Australia.


Information to be aware of

When deciding on which RTO to choose, employers need to consider the reputation and flexibility of the training content and how it is delivered, as well as the location and potential associated expenses for the apprentice or trainee. If an RTO is unable to meet an employer's needs, then they can look for alternative RTOs. 

If necessary, employers can change RTOs midstream. Your apprentice will not risk loosing work that they have already completed towards the training component of their apprenticeship as qualifications are recognised nation-wide, and any other RTO that offers the same qualification will recognise training that has already occurred. 

Once an employer signs the training contract, the apprentice or trainee needs to start formal training with the selected RTO. The RTO, the employer, and the employee will draw up a training plan outlining what aspects the RTO will need to focus on and what the employer needs to concentrate on in the workplace.

Most RTOs require an enrollment fee. Some awards state that the fee is the obligation of the employer. Similarly, State or Territory based policies relating to fees might also be applicable. It is important to check the employer's obligations with an RTO or Fair Work.

Competency Based Training

Australian Apprenticeships are 'competency based.' This means that an individual must show that they possess the skills relevant to their qualification and are competent across a range of tasks. Training provided is orientated towards developing these practicals skills applicable to specific workplace environments. In certain instances, competency achievement can be the deciding factor for a wage increase.

The training needed for a specific Australian Apprenticeship can be found in the training plan, which is developed by the RTO in consultation with the employer and apprentice. This plan shows in detail what needs to be achieved in order for the nationally endorsed qualification will be successfully completed.

Once the traineeship or apprenticeship gets underway, RTOs and employers can then discuss the training procedure, content, and delivery methods. Depending on the type of the Australian Apprenticeship and the qualification undertaken, it can take between one to four years to complete. The duration of the training and pathways taken are determined by the State or Territory governments in consultation with industry bodies.


About the training plan

The training plan has the details of what the trainee or apprentice will study in their training. This includes where the training and assessment will take place, when they will be delivered, and the units of competency.

Most qualifications will incorporate the choice of elective units. This is to ensure that the training best meets the employer and employee’s needs. The training plans are flexible and can be redefined if the needs of the employer change and also to make sure that it stays relevant. If any change is required then it will have to be done in consultation with the RTO, the employer, and the apprentice.


Training in the workplace

Most of the training a trainee or an apprentice receives occurs in the workplace and not at the RTO. In other to achieve a positive outcome, the employer needs to provide a high level of supervised training and performance.

In the course of the Australian Apprenticeship applying skills in the a work-place environment will provide the opportunity for employees to demonstrate their competence in relation to industry standards, and potentially secure future employment.