Wow, it feels like just yesterday I was stepping back into the office after the Christmas break and now here we are in May! We have been keeping ourselves busy this quarter completing a huge number (56) of Apprentices, Trainees and program participants as well as holding our annual Apprentice Awards night.
I am also very excited to welcome the twelve new Host Businesses that have joined the GTNT Group family this quarter. Nothing makes me happier than being able to partner with new businesses to continue to develop career pathways and develop workforces in the Northern Territory.
We have come to the busy part of the year for most businesses, the long awaited dry season! Along with the opening of roads and influx of people into the Territory comes extra work. This is the time of year training and workforce development usually takes a back seat to ‘just getting stuff done’. If you are looking to continue your current momentum with staff development or making a start, make sure you get in touch with us. We can send one of our Employment Specialists out to take the hard work out of it for you. Included in this issue are some great deals from our Registered Training Organisation.
Before I sign off I just want to say a huge congratulations to all of our finalists and winners from our annual awards night. I am incredibly proud of the outcomes our team continues to produce and having the opportunity to meet many of our Apprentices and Hosts at our awards nights is something very special to me.
Enjoy the dry season, make sure you get out and enjoy all of the things our beautiful Territory has to offer.
- Jess Daniels, Employment Services Manager
To read our full Quarterly News click here.